29 September 2008

LIST: Confessions, Creeds and Catechisms... [Bump]

Here's the list of creeds, confessions, etc. that I'm reading...

1. Apostles' Creed
2. Nicene Creed (325/381)
3. 95 Theses (or Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences) (1517)
4. Belgic Confession (1618)
5. Westminster Confession of Faith (1646)

This exercise, I think, had its desired effect. I walked away from the Westminster Confession with several questions still unsettled about predestination/election, and I'm not sure I can ever quite be settled about those things. As always, I'll check in with my pastor, and ultimately, probably never quite feel right about Calvinist theology. This is that tension I say I love so much, but really, I want this one to go my way or make more sense. I don't like the idea of election.

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