02 January 2008

Update - January One

Progress Report #1 - 1/1/8

The lead-up to Christmas and New Years has kept me from being as aggressive with my list as I'd hoped. This will make the multi-tiered goals (reading and film-watching, mostly) more difficult, but certainly not too much so.

That said, I'm happy to report the first few victories (in red on the master list), and a couple of works-in-progress (green):

Completed (in no particular order):

1. I finished scanning my magazines and took them to my local recycling center. ("Simplify" #2)
2. I sent my digital camera off to Canon to be repaired, a mere 8 days before the warranty expired. I received notice from them that the repairs were covered, and I should be getting it back any day now. ("Do" #7)
3. I got rid of about a garbage-bag-and-a-half of clothes I haven't worn in quite some time. This, along with the magazine scanning, was done as part of my move, and I'll probably do another round soon, but this was significant progress. ("Simplify" #3)

In Progress:

1. One of the items on my private list is, by God's grace, underway. I'm both excited and scared, and I'd ask that those of you who are so inclined, please pray for wisdom, humility, and confidence at their appropriate times, for me. ("Private" #1)
2. I've started memorizing Philippians. ("Faith" #6)
3. I went to a show at Windows on the Cumberland. Seedy place, but the music was great. My Coke came in a can. ("Nashville/TN" #1) Also, I caught a great roots/blues act from BOSTON at The Family Wash.

That covers the progress for now. I'll update again soon!

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